__init__.py Initialization file for BDMark package.
BDMark Resources for creating marks in Buildes
moduleauthor: | Kene Meniru <Kene.Meniru@illom.org> |
Mark Data
Provides ability to hold data necesary to describe marks. Marks are objects that assist in thinking about design.
moduleauthor: | Kene Meniru <Kene.Meniru@illom.org> |
Bases: bdmark.markdata.MarkData
Provides data for arcd mark objects.
Bases: bdmark.markdata.MarkData
Provides data for circle mark objects.
Bases: bdmark.markdata.MarkData
Provides data for line mark objects.
Bases: buildesdata.BuildesData
Provides common data for mark objects.
Bases: bdmark.markdata.MarkData
Provides data for point mark objects.
Mark Manager
Mark managers coordinate the creation and manipulation of mark objects.
moduleauthor: | Kene Meniru <Kene.Meniru@illom.org> |
Bases: bdmark.markmanager.Mark
Provides objects for creating ArcMarkData objects.
Creates a new arcMarkData object.
Creates the right data object then initializes the attributes with calculated and default values. It returns data object after making it.
Parameters: |
Returns: | Arc Mark Data object. |
Return type: | ArcMarkData |
Makes the points that define the profile for arc mark data.
Parameter: | data (ArcMarkData) – Arc mark object |
Make PythonOCC shape for arc mark data object.
Parameter: | data (ArcMarkData) – Arc mark data object |
Calculates the defining parts of the arc mark data object.
Preparing a ArcMark Object
To prepare the arcmark the arc_height (EF) is first adjusted based on user input. If its length is zero a semicircular arc is produced. This information is used to calculate the radius which in turn is used to calculate the angle of the first marker (AC).
The decision is then made on the type of arc to be produced. The arc_height determines if the arc produced is more or less than 180 degrees (AFB). In either case the subtended angle (ACB) is calculated and then the angle of the first point on the arc is updated by taking into consideration the rotation angle (CD) requested by the user.
Finally, based on the subtended angle value and the previously defined default_angle_gap, the number of required markers for this mark object is determined.
Parameter: | data (BuildesData) – Data object to be made. |
Summarize parts message.
Parameter: | obj – |
Bases: bdmark.markmanager.Mark
Provides objects for creating and manipulating CircleMarkData objects.
Establish orientation for circle data object.
circular objects do not have an orientation
Parameter: | data – |
Returns: | |
Return type: |
Creates a new CircleMarkData object.
Parameters: |
Returns: | CircleMark Data object. |
Return type: | CircleMarkData |
Makes markers that define the profile for circle mark data object.
Parameter: | data (CircleMarkData) – Circle mark object |
Make PythonOCC shape object for circle mark data object.
Parameter: | data – |
Calculates the defining parts of the circle mark data object.
Parameter: | data (CircleMarkData) – Circle mark data object reference |
Bases: bdmark.markmanager.Mark
Provides objects for creating LineMarkData objects.
Creates a new LineMarkData object.
Parameters: |
Returns: | LineMark Data object. |
Return type: | LineMarkData |
Makes markers that define the profile for line data object.
Parameter: | data (LineMarkData) – Line mark object |
Make PythonOCC shape object for line mark data object.
aSegment1 = GC_MakeSegment(aPnt1, aPnt2) # Profile : Define the Topology aEdge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment1.Value()) aWire = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(aEdge1.Edge(), aEdge2.Edge(),
Parameter: | data (LineMarkData) – LineMarkData object |
Calculates the defining parts of the line mark data object.
To prepare the line mark, the number of markers needed to be distributed along the edge of the mark at the prescribed default_length_gap is needed. If the length is more than default_length_gap then there will be more than the three markers located at the start, end and middle points. Otherwise these are the only markers provided.
Parameter: | data (BuildesData) – Object to be made |
Summarize parts message.
Parameter: | obj – |
Bases: buildesmanager.BuildesManager
Provides common objects for creating and manipulating marks.
Establish orientation for line data object.
Parameter: | data – |
Set all common attributes for all mark data objects.
Parameter: | data (MarkData) – Mark object being created |
Combines the different parts of the mark object.
Parameter: | wire (BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire) – MarkData wire |
Returns: | Fused group of wire rings |
Return type: | BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse |
Make id for a point in mark.
Returns: | Base name of mark point. |
Return type: | String |
Summarized outlook message.
Parameter: | obj (BuildesData) – Object for which to create summary message. |
Returns: | Formatted text for predetermined cells in the spreadsheet |
Return type: | SpreadSheet |
Summarized relations message.
Parameter: | obj (BuildesData) – Object for which to create summary message. |
Bases: bdmark.markmanager.Mark
Provides objects for creating and manipulating PointMarkData objects.
Creates a new PointMarkData object.
Parameter: | name (String) – Name of PointMarkData object. |
Returns: | PointMark Data object. |
Return type: | PointMarkData |
Makes markers that define the profile for point mark data object.
Parameter: | data – |
Make PythonOCC shape object for point mark data object.
Parameter: | data – |
Returns: | |
Return type: |
Summarize parts message.
Parameter: | obj – |