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3.1.3. Level

Level objects are used to divide the available Footprint so that the building can contain the desired number of functions or occupants. There can be one or more levels in the building and all are managed by the Site object. When Buildes starts and creates the default Site object, a corresponding default Level is also created. If the user replaces the default Site object, the new object continues using the default Level object. If the user requires only a single level building, it is not necessary to create additional levels.

If the user creates the first Level object, it replaces the default Level. All desired Level objects can be created at once. The benefit of this is to group them in one location in the text description so that the user can find them easily. However the user can create each level as needed. Regardless of how many levels in the design, Buildes hands over the management of each new object to the default or the first user-created Level object. To put new objects under the management of other Level objects, the user must select the desired Level.

Use the following syntax:

# If user creates buildes components at this point, they will be managed
#+ by "Default_Level".

level("Level1", 3000)  # First level object called "level1" with height of
                       #+ 3000 mm. Replaces "Default_Level" and resumes as
                       #+ the active level.

# All buildes components managed by "Default_Level" will now be managed by
#+ its replacement "Level1"

level("Level2", 3000)  # Second level object.

# If user creates buildes components at this point, they will still be
#+ managed by "Level1".

setLevel("Level2")     # Direct Buildes to select "level2" as active.

# All objects created at this point will now be managed by "level2"

level("Level3", 3000)  # Third level object created as needed.

setLevel()             # Direct Buildes to select the most recently created
                       #+ level object. In this case "level3".