The Space object provides the means to support the proposed activities or desired functionality in the building. Multiple spaces can be created which are managed by the currently selected Level object. When Buildes starts, the default level is provided, the designer must however define all needed spaces.
To create a space, the user provides a name and a number. The name is the unique identifier for the space in the design. The number is used by the space to create the identities of the sides required to fully describe its boundaries. The designer must then use these sides to fully describe the edges of the space.
The following shows an example for creating a space:
# Assume there are no levels created by the user. In this case there is an
# automatically created level object called "Default_Level".
# Creation of Space_01
space("Space_01", 4) # Space is created by providing a name (string) and a
# number (integer) for the side necessary to fully
# describe the space. Once created the space object
# creates the identities for its sides as follows:
# "Space_01-S1", "Space_01-S2", "Space_01-S3", and
# "Space_01-S4". The designer must refer to each of
# these identities in configuring and positioning
# the sides of the space.
A space side (side) is the object at the edge of a space. At the least two sides are required to describe a space. The designer must use as many sides as necessary to inscribe the space. A side can have the state of being closed or open. A closed side is the default and designates a solid edge for the space while the open side designates the edge of the space without a physical boundary.
Sides can have straight (line), curved (arc) or circular (circle) shapes. The following shows examples of creating the available sides for the space created earlier:
# Assume a space called "Space_01" in the default level as above already
# exists.
lineSide("Space_01-S1", 4000, 300, 0) # Creates a straight shaped
# closed side called
# "Space_01-S1" that is 4000 mm
# long, 300 mm thick and at
# angle 0.
lineOpen("Space_01-S2", 3000, 200, 15) # Creates a line shaped open
# side called "Space_01-S2" that
# is 3000 mm long, 200 mm thick
# at angle 15.
# Example of arc side here
# Example of circular side here